The TCK TCK TCK Time for Climate Justice Campaign is a comprehensive, unifying, global campaign targeted at the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, December 2009.





The Global Alliance for Climate Justice is an open, democratic club of climate heroes founded by Mr. Kofi Annan. While it starts as a publicly recognised collective of leaders in science and culture, speaking out for the cause of Climate Justice. Their position gives the campaign credibility, trustworthiness and an immediate human voice, thereby amplifying its importance. Most importantly, they are only the starting point – the campaign’s goal is to recruit Climate Allies from around the world. The more general public participants engage with the campaign, the more their status as a Climate Ally increases, making the campaign interactive and engaging, and securing a commitment of attention and assistance for the cause.   

Existing Allies include Desmond Tutu, Rajendra Pachauri, Wangari Matthai and Jeffery Sachs.  To become a Climate Ally, go to our campaign website at

For more information and to participate in The Campaign, please visit our website at


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