Human Impact Report commentary


Dr. Rajendra Pachauri
Chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

“[The report] is clearly something that has enormous importance for the future of the human race, and may I complement Kofi Annan for having taken the initative. I believe that climate change in particular poses a threat to the entire human race and clearly we have underestimated the human dimensions, the humanitarian aspects of this problem. (…) We have to tell the world, that unless we look at the humanitarian dimension of the problem, than clearly we are likely to have a disruption in society in several parts of the world, we are even likely to have failed states.”

Prof. Dr. Hans Joachim Schellnhuber
Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

“The report is important because what we call the human dimension of climate change has been neglected by research and science over the last two decades (…) This is not the ultimate, ultimate, scientific report on this, it cannot be, research has started and we may have to wait 2 decades until have corroborated all the science, but it is giving plausible narrative, it’s a consistent story.”

Margareta Wahlström
UN Assistant Secretary General for Disaster Risk Reduction

“This report can only add to the knowledge base of the urgency and scale of decisions we expect them to take.”

William Lacy Swing
Director General of the International Organization for Migration

“The Global Humanitarian Forum has produced a topical and timely report on the urgent need to address climate change. In highlighting the profound impact of climate change on the lives and livelihoods of millions of people, the Report identifies innovative strategies for the future and policies for the moment to assist countries and communities suffering from the consequences of global warming.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) supports fully the Report’s emphasis on the need for the international community to act now, and to act together, to bring to bear the combined global resources of humanitarian, developmental, and adaptation actors to confront with urgency this unfolding crisis.”

Julia Marton-Lefèvre
Director General of the World Conservation Union (IUCN)

“Anatomy of a Silent Crisis brings home a crucial message: it is those least responsible for climate change who will be affected the most: the poor and vulnerable. We must ensure that sufficient financing and methods for adapting to the impacts of climate change are given to developing countries. And we also must deploy adaptation solutions that we already have. The rural poor in particular depend on natural resources for their livelihoods. We can manage and conserve better these resources for example through watershed management, sustainable agriculture or planting mangroves in coastal areas. These nature-based adaptation solutions can ensure water, food production and flood protection on which the poor depend.”

Antonio Guterres
UN High Commissioner for Refugees

"The Global Humanitarian Forum's report provides a vivid reminder of the fact that millions of people throughout the world are threatened with deprivation and displacement as a result of climate change. The international community must now develop the policies and practices that are needed to counter this growing threat to human security."

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