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29 January 2009 - Press Release

Forum Unites with Major Communications Group for Global Climate Campaign

Annoucement of the partnership between EURO RSCG and the Global Humanitarian Forum
Kofi Annan, President of the Geneva-based Global Humanitarian Forum, announced here today a global partnership with French advertising group Havas’s agency EURO RSCG Worldwide. EURO RSCG will drive the communications of the Forum’s global campaign for climate justice centred on the ongoing United Nations negotiations for a post-Kyoto climate agreement, which conclude in December this year.

The partnership between a humanitarian organization and the worldwide adverstising and communications firm hopes to involve millions of people in global movement for a fair resolution to the climate crisis.

“This is vital because political leaders will stand up and act only if they feel there is strong public support for the agreement,” said the former head of the United Nations at a press conference here today together with the CEO of EURO RSCG David Jones. The campaign will be launched in June in Geneva and run through to the UN Climate Conference to be held in December in Copenhagen, Denmark, where the global climate deal is set to be agreed upon.

“Despite a strong desire for change in countries all over the world, we are far from arriving at an agreement to reduce emissions to levels recommended by scientists. Furthermore, public opinion is not mobilized to create the kind of widespread political support needed for a strong agreement”, said Kofi Annan.

“Our partnership is already working to create a global campaign aimed at improving the Kyoto accord on climate change,” David Jones told journalists. “The fundamental word for me is actually ‘movement’ rather than a ‘campaign’. Because a campaign is something that you watch, whereas a movement is something that you join and are a part of. We see this working on every single level. There absolutely will be a massive social networking presence. Our focus is to launch the campaign in June and be relentless in the run-up through June to December.”

A key operational division of the French media group Havas, EURO RSCG is a global advertising and communication firm with over 11,000 employees and 223 offices in 75 countries. The Forum is also working closely with a range of major civil society organizations for the development and for collaboration in the campaign.

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